Saturday, July 28, 2012

Into the green

There were tales of the great serpents that lived deep in the forest. The hunters knew that snakes and lizards like to warm their cold blooded bodies in the dappled patches of the woods where the warm glow of the sun pierced the forest canopy. When the great, green creature showed itself the hunters knew they should have brought more men to deal with the coiled and scaley thing that rose before them..
 Oil on canvas, 18" x 24" w. digital


  1. Whoa!! Like the new look. It is easier to read.

    Regarding, the must be drawing a memory from a personal experience.

  2. Ha! yes I have had limited experience wrangling snakes but nothing like these beasties. It was a pleasure to return a 6 ft. black snake from the front stoop back into the green where he will be much happier. Thanks for the comment regarding the new look. I think I'll stick with it for a while although I need to give the whole site a facelift soon.
