Saturday, April 21, 2012

Norsemen vs the Dreaded Zombie Virus

The norsemen spent weeks raiding up and down the coast. This stretch of shore looked like a good place for another incursion. Many of the warriors from the north went ashore to collect tribute and strike fear into the locals. The few that remained behind became anxious when the war party did not return by the next day. Dusk was approaching when they heard the first sounds of  shuffling and the low clink of rusted mail. From over the dunes the horde descended like a nightmarish swarm of bees. No matter how many cuts or thrusts to vital areas, the undead kept coming.
 The next day the beach was littered with the corpses of the norsemen. They began to stir. One by one they dragged there broken bodies inland the join the horde.

 Inspiration can come from the strangest places. This piece was inspired by of all things a fantasy football league.. Yes thats right. This past year's league superbowl came down to a clash of teams called  'The Norsemen' and 'The Dreaded Zombie Virus'. When I read that matchup I immediately thought " hmm, that would make an interesting painting"
oil on masonite w. digital, 24" x 36". In progress

1 comment:

  1. And this would make a great TV series too!
